Category: German Secret Languages

Chicken Language Translator

The chicken language translator translates an entered text into the German chicken language, which is a language game. Using this secret language, which is spoken syllable by syllable, it is possible to communicate content, which others should not be able to understand. The vowels (a, e, i, o, u) of a word are replaced by the following letters: after a vowel, the letter h and again the vowel have to be inserted, followed by the syllable "def" and again the vowel. Thus, an "a" is transformed to "ahadefa", an "e" is transformed to "ehedefe", and so on. All consonants remain the same.
Results will be displayed here.

Example for Chicken Language

InputThe chicken language can best be learned when reading the instructions.
OutputThehedefe chihidefickehedefen lahadefanguahuadefuagehedefe cahadefan behedefest behedefe leaheadefearnehedefed whehedefen reaheadefeadihidefing thehedefe ihidefinstruhudefuctiohiodefions.

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